A Few Tricks to Incorporate Good Cheese into Your Diet in a Healthy, Beneficial Way.

A Few Tricks to Incorporate Good Cheese into Your Diet in a Healthy, Beneficial Way.

Laura Downey

The start of the New Year always brings resolutions. When the calendar turns, we naturally feel like we have a clean slate and can at least try to improve things. Food and eating are significant for most people, as evidenced by the crowded gyms and diet talk. You hear a lot about people's diets in a cheese shop.  Unfortunately, there is a lot of noise in America about food, and people seem more confused than ever. We believe good quality cheese is healthy and can be part of most people's diets.

Here are a few tricks to incorporate good cheese into your diet in a healthy, beneficial way.

Choose small-batch artisan cheese. There is a difference between industrially made cheese and cheese produced in small batches on farms where animals are fed properly. Studies show grass-fed cheeses are higher in omega-3s and heart-healthy, cancer-fighting conjugated linoleic acid. (CLA) Compared to factory production, artisan cheesemaking is better for the environment and for the animals, too. Happier, well cared for animals, produce better quality milk. The milk is rich in microflora, minerals, and vitamins, making the cheese more beneficial to your health. Quality cheese is an excellent source of protein, calcium, omega-3 fats, and Vitamins D, E, and B12. It's good for your heart; it can help control your blood pressure and cholesterol and is associated with a faster metabolism and longer lifespan. It's beneficial for your immune system. It also just tastes better. Flavor matters when you eat, and you love food!

Skip the deli cheese, pizza cheese, and cheese in all those prepared and processed foods. 

Control your portions. If you overdo it well, then you know! It's not the fault of the cheese. Any food that you overeat will make you gain weight. We suggest you consume 2-4oz a day. Try it at lunch or after dinner. A little goes a long way if you choose delicious, flavorful cheese.

Enjoy artisan cheese with veggies. Cheese doesn't have vitamin C or fiber, so you need lots of vegetables. Put some Fontina Val d'Aosta on a sweet potato and add Shelburne Cheddar to a broccoli dish. Sprinkle your salad with some Roquefort or our sheep's milk Feta PDO.  

Be mindful. Don't devour your cheese while watching TV or scrolling through your phone. Bring it to room temperature, sit at the table, and eat it mindfully. When you do this, it tastes better, and you will likely consume less. Think about its flavor. Savor it. You deserve to eat delicious food.

Think about your overall food choices. If you are eating a lot of processed foods, hitting the takeout and prepared food section of the grocery store all the time, or eating every dinner in a restaurant, then I doubt cheese is to blame. Cook at home, eat better quality food, and the cheese will take care of you well. 

Here are a few of our favorite books about good food.

The Third Plate by Dan Barber

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz

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